Thursday, March 15, 2018

Climbatica │ Климбатика


Climbatica (Климбатика) is an incredible Gothic rock group from Orenburg, Russia, a city located about 1,478 km southeast of Moscow, and very close to the border with Kazakhstan.  The group was started by Alex Belov and Wang Chaos in 2006, and since then they have been a cultural mainstay of the Russian Gothic music scene.  The music of Climbatica moves me greatly.  Even though the musicians and singers of Climbatica are quite young, their music has an unusual maturity and intensity.  It invokes all kinds of feelings on the part of the listener if you pay close attention to it.  In this edition of Klaatu Barada Nikto I am featuring Climbatica singing "Я не боюсь (I Am Not Afraid)".  Safe journeys to all the fans of Klaatu Barada Nikto, wherever you may be.

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