Tuesday, March 12, 2024

MorningSide Mortuary

MorningSide Mortuary BBS is back online after a 25 year absence.  It went offline on April 17, 1999, and has returned better than ever.  It features TheMajorMUD (multi-user dungeon), which has over 1900 rooms, 750 monsters, 1800 items, 1200 spells, 15 classes, and 13 races.  MorningSide Mortuary can accommodate 256 users online at the same time.  You can adventure in the TheMajorMUD solo, or form parties to explore together.  MorningSide Mortuary is completely free, and all users have unlimited time on the board, so come on and enjoy.  The board is running The Major BBS v10, which is state-of-the-art BBS software, and can handle multi-users seamlessly.  MorningSide Mortuary also has a Teleconference feature that lets you chat with other users on over 50 connected boards on the Majorlink network. Some of you may remember that MorningSide Mortuary is the name of the Tall Man's funeral home in the cult classic movie "Phantasm".  To log on to Morningside Mortuary, click on this link: MorningSide Mortuary Direct Link  Scroll to the bottom of the page till you see "Connect to MorningSide Mortuary Now!" and hit the "Connect" button.  That will open the actual MorningSide Mortuary site. See you in the MorningSide Mortuary!  Safe journeys to all the fans of Klaatu Barada Nikto, wherever you may be.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Blessed Carlo Acutis │ The Millennial Saint


Quite by accident I discovered Blessed Carlo Acutis.  Here is his story: Blessed Carlo Acutis was born on May 3, 1991 in London, United Kingdom, and died on October 12, 2006 (aged 15), Monza, Italy.  His cause of death was acute promyelocytic leukemia.  He was Beatified by Pope Francis on October 10, 2020, two days before the 14th anniversary of his death.  He is on track to becoming a saint in the Roman Catholic Church.  Carlo is the first saint to be buried in Nike sneakers, jeans, and a North Sails track suit jacket.  He is presented as a role model for youth, a saint of the ordinary, and also a possible patron saint for IT workers.  As a side note, Carlo loved the PlayStation.  "Carlo puts flesh on what a saint who plays video games and goes on the internet looks like."  Carlo, has been dubbed “the Millennial Saint” and “the patron of the Internet".  Below are some interesting videos of him.  It is interesting that there is a live feed from the chapel where his coffin is.  People can view him through a glass window on the side of his coffin.  There is a link below for that.  His body is largely incorrupt.  Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.