Thursday, December 28, 2017

Angelic Choirboys With An Attitude │ Lord Of The Flies

The images and the plot of "Lord Of The Flies (1963)" are so intense, and at times so horrific, that it makes one forget, or not notice, that the film contains an incredibly beautiful soundtrack.  Raymond Leppard, the composer, wrote a couple of sensational variations on the liturgical "Kyrie Eleison (Lord Have Mercy)" theme.  In this edition of Klaatu Barada Nikto I am presenting two different settings of the "Kyrie Eleison" from "Lord Of The Flies".  The first one is a cheeky, breezy, almost insouciant rendition by the rogue choirboys as they are marching along the beach at the beginning of the movie.  The second "Kyrie Eleison" is sung darkly to accompany the death of Simon.  I call this one the "Kyrie - Requiem".  The murder of Simon the mystic is so disturbing and senseless, that it makes me mourn for him every time I see this scene, but underscoring it is a "Kyrie Eleison" that is both haunting, and unforgettable.  By-the-way, the 1990 remake of "Lord Of The Flies" just does not have the impact, and power of the original.  It is my opinion that too much editing, and rewriting was done.  Safe journeys to all the fans of Klaatu Barada Nikto, wherever you may be.

 "Kyrie Eleison", On The Beach

 "Kyrie Eleison", The Death Of Simon

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