Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Christmas Shoes

In this edition of Klaatu Barada Nikto, I am featuring a remarkable video called "The Christmas Shoes".  What can I say about "The Christmas Shoes" without sounding banal or trite?  It is very moving, and fills the soul with deep sentiment.  "The Christmas Shoes" is the perfect Christmas story.  My Dear Aunt Martha and I found it on the internet recently, and we could not stop crying after watching it, and we watched it over, and over again.  The Christian musical group Newsong originally released the song "The Christmas Shoes" in 2000, and since then it has grown in popularity to become a perennial favorite for the holidays.  There are many video versions of "The Christmas Shoes", but this one is the best by far.  The soundtrack contains the original Newsong version of "The Christmas Shoes".  The name of the little boy in the video is Ryan Sweatt, and Daren Sweatt, who is his father in real life, plays the part of the man who gives him the money to buy the shoes.  My Dear Aunt Martha and I felt that with the way things are going in the world now-a-days, we all need something to pick us up, and remind us that the greatest gift of all, is the gift of sharing.  Safe journeys to all the fans of Klaatu Barada Nikto, wherever you may be.

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