Saturday, March 11, 2017

Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe │ Larry (Buster) Crabbe

In this edition of Klaatu Barada Nikto I am featuring all twelve chapters of the 1940 serial "Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe", starring Larry (Buster) Crabbe, who incidentally, was raised in Hawaii, and graduated from Punahou School, which is the same school that former President Barack Obama graduated from.  Buster always claimed that he was 1/16 Hawaiian.  His family has a long history in Hawaii going back to the days of the Hawaiian Monarchy, where his grand uncle Horace Crabbe was chamberlain to King Lunalilo.  His grandfather Clarence Crabbe, was the president of the Territorial Senate of Hawaii from 1902 to 1904, and has been called the father of the Republican party in Hawaii.  So, as you can see, Buster's roots go way back in Hawaii.  Safe journeys to all the fans of Klaatu Barada Nikto, wherever you may be.

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