Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Mr. Moto

In this edition of Klaatu Barada Nikto I am featuring some very rare "Mr. Moto" radio shows from 1951.  Mr. Moto is a fictional Japanese secret agent and detective, created by the American author John P. Marquand.  He appeared in six novels by Marquand that were published between 1935 and 1957.  Marquand initially created Mr. Moto for the Saturday Evening Post, which was seeking stories with an Asian hero after the death of Charlie Chan's creator Earl Derr Biggers in 1933.  Mr. Moto has been featured in eight motion pictures starring Peter Lorre between 1937 and 1939, and 23 radio shows starring James Monks that were broadcast in 1951.  Safe journeys to all the fans of Klaatu Barada Nikto, wherever you may be.

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